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Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

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Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Political Speech Registration advances to NH Senate

By Grant Bosse on May 27, 2010

(CONCORD) A Legislative Conference Committee has reached agreement on new regulations on political speech for New Hampshire companies. The House-Senate Committee of Conference on HB 1459 announced a deal this morning that would exempt certain non-profits from registering with the state before they could undertake political or issue advertising, but still require the filings from businesses and other non-profit groups.
The new language, crafted overnight by Democratic Party attorney Kathy Sullivan, would exempt 501(c)3 organizations, but still cover 501(c)4 groups, corporations, LLC’s, and partnerships who wish to spend $10,000 in a single election cycle. Non-profit groups would not have to disclose their donors, as was included in prior drafts. The penalty for violations has been reduced to $250 per violation, and the $25 filing fee has been removed. Corporations would need to show proof that their boards of directors have approved political activity, but would no longer have to disclose the maximum amount that will spend on political activity. The deal allows any candidate involved in the political ads to file suit directly in Merrimack County Superior Court, whether or not the Attorney General finds evidence of a violation, but removes the ability of any voter to file a lawsuit against sponsoring organizations.

Sen. Hassan explains the agreement on HB 1459.
The proposal was originally brought forward by Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-Exeter) as a response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which allowed corporations to make political expenditures independent of any candidate or party. The proposal would force businesses to file with the Secretary of State’s Office with 48 hours of launching advertisements that address either political campaigns or legislative issues. The stringent limits on issue advocacy sparked widespread opposition from New Hampshire business groups, as well as non-profit advocacy groups ranging from conservation Cornerstone-Action to liberal Planned Parenthood. Rep. Jim Splaine (D-Portsmouth) was removed from the Committee due to his vocal opposition to any registration of political and advocacy advertising. The House Speaker and Senate President may remove any member from a Committee of Conference in order to reach the unanimous agreement needed to send a bill back to the full chamber.
Rep. Rip Holden (R-Goffstown) asked for the addition of a legislative Study Committee to further investigate the issue. The Committee would issue its findings next summer. Such a move would require suspension of House rules in order to form a Study Committee that extends beyond the current Legislative session. At Holden’s suggestion, Chairman Ed Butler (D-Hart’s Location) also added a sunset date on December 31, 2012.
Governor John Lynch tells the Concord Monitor that he will study the bill, but spokesman Colin Manning indicated his support for the idea.
“Groups that seek to influence elections in New Hampshire should disclose where they get their money from.”
The Conference Committee faced a noon deadline to reach a compromise. The House and Senate come back into session next week to consider dozens of deals reached by Conference Committee this week, including a $295 million budget balancing plan. HB 1459 will first be considered by the Senate, which approved the Hassan provisions 14-10 on May 13. If approved by that chamber, the measure would head to the New Hampshire House, which has yet to consider the political speech registration plan.

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Mr Baso, At Tunjungan Plasa

Saturday two weeks ago I was thrilled to get two vouchers for a meal, this voucher, we got it from my wife, er I mean the purchase of food in a food-court. Perhaps, this is the promo well. for me there's all that matters absorbed half the food for free. 

So knowing my wife can Voucher without base - we immediately remove the stale TP (Tunjungan Plasa) looking for a place whose name is the same with the voucher provision, MR Baso. Though a bit tired! up to the third floor of Plaza Tunjungan 3, food court, we do not lose money because the place was to facilitate and create an elegant variety of  food booths with a different brand one of them is Mr. Baso. 

Friendly smile almost all food vendors tempt us not to redeem a discount voucher that food, but Mr. Baso presents the food menu is so appetizing. Consistent with the name, they provide Baso, but this is interesting because it also provides a stall baso Fried rice and noodles as well as the menu - the menu of other fleshy. Well it would be nice ... we choose Fried Rice, Noodle Noodle and drinking Hot Tea / Hot ... you know why? it was because I was cold. 
We see! Voucher validity period that turned out to stay one more day .. Huh! lucky! 

Friend - a friend do not think, think rice and noodle there just like we eat fried noodles CakWin Kertajaya stamp! Sari Rasa .... or even felt a bit .. Slamet Depot under the same level ... sorry! mienya little too Salted fried rice .. but I want to add nice loh kok. Do not eat your fill.
While enjoying the atmosphere TP 8 pm dreamy look human - man passing by, I'm stuffed. I'm sailing with wife Tunjungan Plasa night. Try Feel!

Rabu, 28 April 2010

KamPoeng Steak

Rupanya makanan Steak sudah mulai familiar dilidah masyarakat Surabaya, ini ditengarai dengan menjamurnya restoran - restoran yang menyajikan makanan berbasis daging tersebut. Aneka ragam Steak di sajikan, berbagai menu Steak menjadi andalan bagi tiap-tiap restoran. Walau banyak kompetitor restoran steak tidak pernah sepi dari pengunjung.

Yang menarik adalah dalam benak setiap orang Steak, merupakan makanan untuk kaum jetzet alias kaum berpunya dan image ini kemudian dipertegas dengan design restoran tersebut yang terlihat lux dan newah. Tapi ada Steak yang bernuansa "lain", namanya KAMPOENG STEAK. sasaran pasar yang dituju istilah Kampoeng ini adalah masyarakat menengah Kebawah.

MUrah, meriah dan yang terpenting Ala - Jetset, mendorong kami bertiga untuk mampir, dan benar perkiraan kami menu yang disajikan tidak kalah dengan yang ada direstoran mewah, Sirloin steak andalah para restoran juga ada disana. tapi itu bukan pilihan menu kami. karena menu itu masih terlalu menguras isi dompet kami. Pilihan kami ada pada Beef Steak, Tuna Steak dan chiken steak itu pun masih belum bisa mengisi perut kami hingga kami memesan french fries dan satu jenis makanan lain yang berbentuk steak, untuk rasa dahaga kami minta milshake, air meneral dan Apukat Float. hmmm.Nyam nyam
Mulanya Kami khawatir, apakah sepulang dari restoran ini kami harus ganti profesi sebagai tukang cuci piring alias tidak dapat membayar. namun itu semua tidak terjadi kami hanya menghabiskan kurang dari 50rb rupiah untuk makanan sebanyak itu. waH! tentu saja tersungging senyum di bibir kkami.
Kami Puas lalu pulang....dengan kenyang.

Dalam kekenyangan itu saya berfikir, bagaimana jika usaha menengah tersebut dijadikan IKON untuk membangkitkan para pengusaha kecil kita. Dan ikon itu tidak lahir dari berapa banyak modal yang harus dikeluarkan dan berapa pinjaman yang harus diambil? tetapi harus ada pasar...dan kita lah pasarnya.....SIapa Lagi

Jumat, 23 April 2010

PanTai KenJeran

Saat itu masih pukul 1/2 5 pagi...terpaksa aku menyusuri jalan yang dingin dan masih gelap itu. Segar aroma daun2 yang terkena embun dan aku dapat meluncur dengan sepeda motor dengan kecepatan yang agak cepat, bayangkan saja lawan balap ku cuman 5 atau 3 kendaraan bermotor.

Tak kalah segarnya aroma laut ketika aku sampai di kenjeran, berhenti bibir pantai yang penuh dengan bebatuan penjaga erupsi dan mencoba menikmati indahnya horizon berwarna biru muda beserta titik2 hitam di ujungnya. hmmm...

Dari ujung horizon aku liat titik2 hitam itu kemudian bergerak mendekat..obyek itu semakin membesar. Yah benar! itu adalah kapal yang sedang merapat di kawasan kampung nelayan..membawa hasil laut yang dicarinya semalam. Ikan, cumi2 atau hasil laut lainnya...ehm entahlah. yang penting mereka pasti akan membawa kebahagiaan dalam keluarga. Nelayan itu, adalah pahlawan bagi istri dan anaknya.

Imagi demi imagi begitu saja terlepas dalam ingatan burukku semalam. Karya Allah itu telah membiusku beberapa saat...beberapa waktu...hingga aku tidak dapat memandang lagi...titik mana yang akan kutuju...mereka ada dimana2...sungguh2 karya Tuhan....

Namun hari telah terang dan keindahan itu mulai memudar......saatnya pulang......

Rabu, 14 April 2010

WarOeng KOpi

Surabaya, 14 April 2010
Coffee Waroeng Dharmawangsa

I was there when traficlight looks bright, and not because it did not want to moonlight to the ground when I sat cross-legged. I knew when it was cloud covered the earth Surabaya.

There was no job is looked at passing vehicles, tetpi more interesting is the symmetrical line which was abandoned when the motorcycle passed quickly. Beautiful indeed! everything looks good in my eyes ....

Faint - faint voice I heard, talk with various characters talking sometimes serious, angry, sometimes joke's or even sentences are also sounding innuendo, to me it was like the sound of music with various instruments noisy, atonal yet melodic. also accompanies the music, songs - the current top songs, though her vocals fit - they barely remain silent because their interests with their votes, the money for a piece of money to eat, drink and even drunk. but let it be! Let's step of their lives! if there is a result of your actions then do not blame anyone else! ok boss

reverie reverie for experience, a cup of hot tea which I did not touch this at the time I spent in an instant, it's cold, is ready to be drunk and out ....!