Geopolitics traditionally a kinship studies and the relationship between political power and geographical space. The doctrine of geopolitical attention widely through the work of Sir Halford Mackinder in England and formulated the theory Theori Heartland in 1904, becoming reference British royal feast at the time tracing the importance of sea power in world conflict.
When a political look to the use of force, geopolitical view to power in relation to geography and source of income. Western world geopolitical scene has been dominated for three centuries ago and have fought one with another fight over resources. There supremacy of the United Kingdom in the sea which gave him the status of super power. Control over the sea made him concentrate on the development of the navy allowed him to master the sea and maritime trade is important to design the power across the ocean. This is a central force that allows for control of most of the world. Napoleon tried to challenge the supremacy of England and although defeated at the Battle of Waterloo, 1815.
Germany geopolitika scema global change in the late 19th century by building railways and submarines, memberanikannya to fight the British Empire in World War I. The victory showed the British and French allies to share the results of the spoils among themselves, including an important key to gain global supremacy geopolitika - oil. In 25 years german improve themselves to be big, bold and bloody country by making the missile boosters and leading manufacture of aircraft and fighter jets and other efforts to alter the balance of global power; 2nd world war. However, the United setela second war became important in the world as a world power, and ushered in an era of economic competition, nuclear and energy development. The ability to utilize sources of income through the development of technology has made the United States to lead the entire spectrum dominance, where there is an aura unmatched enveloped him.
Western capitalist domination through the use of propaganda aimed at making the supremacy of the image, at the same time a few myths in addition to several narrative that appeared in the hidden internal problems and weaknesses. Unfortunate outcome of this case is also a fact faced by communities across the world are deceived by the superiority of the west and capitalism. This becomes increasingly difficult to see through the artificial bubble that made the west through which to stand firm, require a strong wind to his downfall.
Because of these reasons this book was written. As a Muslim familiarize themselves with the global situation which is not only devoted to the defense of the Islamic Ummah and this also expose the weaknesses of western capitalism. This book also should result in geopolitical thinking is important because many of the war was a war of resources such as presidents Woodrow katakana in 1919: 'if every man - man, if every woman, let me say any child here who does not know that the look of war in the modern world is the industrial and commercial competition?. "
Minggu, 30 November 2008
Geopolitical Myths
Kamis, 27 November 2008
Ways of Improving EQ
by: Gafura
Author: Dudung.Net
Published: November 13, 2007
Emotional intelligence is very important role for successful lives. Unlike IQ, emotional intelligence (EQ) apparently can be trained and improved. How: Have the following seven skills:
(1) Recognize the emotional self. Try to identify what you're feeling or emotion that was there in your mind: fear, anger, disappointment, loneliness, etc..
(2) Letting go of negative emotions. Disconnect the negative emotions hinder the realization of the best potential for you and even bring negative impact to others.
(3) Managing emotions themselves. This form of restraint is most important. There are several steps in managing emotions:
* (A) appreciate the emotions and recognize the support given to you,
* (B) trying to find the messages conveyed emotion, and believe that we've managed to handle this emotion before,
* (C) is pleased to take action to deal with them.
(4) Motivating oneself. Self-motivation skills enables the realization of high performance in all areas, so people who have these skills tend to be far more productive and effective in making the work.
(5) Recognize the emotions of others. It means we have empathy for what people felt. These skills make us more effective in communicating (empathic communication) and is the basis in dealing with human beings effectively.
(6) Managing emotions of others. These skills are cornerstones in building relationships with other people because relationships are generally built on the emotions that arise from the interaction between people. With these skills we are able to build strong interpersonal relationships and sustainable.
(7) Motivating others. This skill is a continuation of the skills to recognize and manage the emotions of others. This is another form of leadership ability, the ability to inspire, influence and motivate others to achieve common goals. This is closely related to the ability to build strong teamwork and reliably.
Bila kau InGiN
Rabu, 26 November 2008
My Family
(Keluarga or in english, Family, Is our base to pass the world with strengger or weakness, to emblish or to destruct The world. And that is begining)
I'll Show the world "het was gehoorlijk Familie". They can make the world easy or delicate.
Sun will shine
and Than................................................................
the World laughing

Oh.......that's my mom
Selasa, 25 November 2008
Waste and Towny Accountability
There is problem which more essential besides criminality, beggary and juvenile delinquency, which is tacling waste. This problem never is finished since progressively year continually increase its volume, accordingly problem becomes to increase for example getting narrow it farm that utilized by unruk Dump (TPS). Evenless while kampong citizen / close to area TPS objection if its scrapheap amount is added again. But present waste have become towny business, where can they own process independent ala..
But still left some problems that can not be resolved, namely the public awareness of the problem. They tend to throw garbage in the yard of his home and open water channels. To the extent the government explained in a tone of frustration, "when this waste regulations come into force in villages, everything went very well, because it was new and had long waited for. But when it was some time ago one after the bin is damaged and replaced with trash, but trash is also in the long run is also lost. And finally discarded trash are at home again and in the channels of open water. "
Trash from the kinds divided into two parts, including wet garbage which consists of the former food, dead plants and other objects are easily destroyed by the bacteria, while not easy Dry waste was destroyed by bacteria such as plastic, cans, paper, etc
Time processing of dry waste so much effort, involving several layers of society, including the factories to manage such waste. And do not miss any part scavengers earn a living from this waste. Yet according to a source of research on the composition of solid waste in Surabaya in 2002 together with the government of Kitakyushu, identify the composition of the waste consists of waste paper 15.5%, 14.2% and other plastic waste 14.7%, whereas it was found that the kitchen waste consisting of 55.6%. So that the optimization of dry waste reduction is less able to solve this waste problem.
Driven by low public awareness not to litter which is a wild waste, dispose of trash in the gutter, other waterways and the River. The presence of street vendors and markets that are sidewalks along streets that potentially creates a wild waste, product packaging that can not be processed again and the lack of knowledge about the use of waste simply by selling a good result. Therefore requires another form of the solution in waste reduction.
According to the percentage composition of waste in Surabaya, identified that it is the largest producer of household waste from wet waste types. So that waste management should be from the source and in a way that can be done in the house.
Because of that later appeared "Takakura". Management by wet garbage composting or outlines of the rotting rice and side dishes, and other materials in a basket (Takakura), then mixed with the compost that has been provided and were then allowed to break down the waste during the first month so that the fertilizer, which may be used for grow plants at home.
Trash the second dry waste processing requires equipment or machinery where households can not be sold to scavengers. Thus freed from household garbage a profitable manner.
Socialization level, RT was done by the extension of citizens with a favorable image of citizens of this independent processing waste. So dengaan so the urge to treat their own waste is certainly widespread acclaim from the public. So rubbish really the responsibility of citizens of the City.
September : After the fact G 30 S/1965's History
Author: Noorca Merendra Massardi
Thickness: 600 pp
Publisher: Page Three, Solo
Price: Rp. 60 000, -
September:After the Fact G 30 S/1965 History
On Saturday 30 September 2006, released a novel titled "September" in Jakarta, a fiction novel set in the dark side of the history of the coup in 1966. This book is an essay Noorca Marendra Massardi, a poet. Author, editor, television presenter, scriptwriter dramatist, actor, director, screenwriter, film festival jury, soap operas, news bulletin, TV show host, columnist, and cultural.
It is the third time master Noorca write novels that previously was a Sekuntum Duri (1978) and Mereka Berdua (1981).and the first novel seemed to have been filmed and produced by PT Cipta Permai Indah Film in 1989. but I am more familiar with his face on TV when hosted a TV and reading his articles which appeared serialized in the Daily compass my father's legacy.
In accordance with the comments of historians Aswi Warman Adam, this work made by the intelligent and careful, even the author dared to mention one aspect of history that is still a rumor. However, the author freely move from its condition in 1966 headed backwards now.
Metropolitan life that did not escape the sexual relationship between species and among species, one described as a physical relationship until the end kepaling end of the ends. And this novel is a significant work of the novel that could help the process of deconstruction and reconstruction of contemporary Indonesian history.
Historical novels or political novels usually tend to put the author to do research so that data is accurate, factual and objective emerged freely. And Mas Noorca perseverance and craft shows around the research data "in October 1965 tragedy" that.
Compared with the works of other historical novels, works of Pramudya Ananta Toer for example doing research so that reality in his work in harmony with the result of his research from beginning to end so that the characters is a mystery in the real world. But Noorca more unique works, which in reality is a fiction leaps of space and time in the history of our society. So the combination between the past (1965 events) and now (reform) as well as nuances of life, is in this novel is titled September.
In other words, Pls help the country was ruled by a new order to eradicate Communism in the reality of the New Order never Happened Because pentolannya Noorca dead suicide (May. Jend. Theo Rossa) due to lose "play" with four people Noorca Fictional character (Nicodkk). Also Noorca Mas ABILITY and demonstrated his maturity in prosaiknya. Example of the adventures the main character, the WHO has recently laid off from factory work, even dreamed of entering the body shakes with vibrating emotion and spirituality of the people in the other fictional character, Offers one of the world or life is so open to all possibilities.
A captivating game That romance romance, Jealousy, Ambition, mental deviations Lively beautiful and, in fact Offers a novel Itself. But outside of These settings chatter That really mastered by the author, for example the debate about Fashion, Film, gender and other social issues, politics and a little offensive political communication, as well as many other observations about our society Noorca in this novel.
Events in September 1965 version
In a general sense we know only one version of it in explaining who the mastermind behind a coup attempt in 1965, ie a new version of the Order in which PKI is the mastermind behind the event. And this is the oldest version because the new order figures existing prior conviction, although new evidence conducted recent efforts.
Then there are the more advanced versions of Ben Anderson and Ruth McVey or commonly known as the Cornell paper, which leaves open the possibility there are new facts in describing the events in 1965. He argues that the 1965 event is an internal matter of the army. The third version of the CIA is increasingly strong involvement with the opening of archives of the U.S. state department annually. Mentioned there, the U.S. contributed USD 50 million to the KAP (Action Committee) Gestapu.
Then there are full details about the assistance of telecommunications equipment, list the name of the PKI administrators in all of Indonesia yag given to U.S. Army (the army) and various other information.
Antonie Dake no lag and John Hughes repeats the old song by issuing Sukarno file where there is information stating that there was involvement of President Sukarno of the event.
Version interesting and paradigm or view that is widely used in September of this novel is about the creeping coup. There are several versions of Werthei among other, and Saskia Wieringa, which states that there are some periods in the act of this coup.
Bung Karno also provide a version of looking at events in 1965 caused by three things, first keblingernya leadership of the PKI, which they took to plan the kidnapping of the board of generals and kept issuing statements despite President Sukarno ordered for menghentkannya. Second Nekolim shrewdness, namely the U.S., also including England, Australia. However, the role of the PRC and Japan Unisoviet and should not be ignored. Third-existence of unscrupulous individual that's not true, who is that? (When the novel is symbolized as Theo Noorca Rossa)
Some versions are included on in this novel. Noorca seen from different points of view, thus finding their own history and he found himself the details and perspectives that differ from the versions mentioned above. Like her he found something after the fact
Senin, 24 November 2008
How to Become a Writer Writing
Submitted by Team e-author on Thu, 15/05/2008 - 3:38 pm.
Written by: Judy Reeves
Gertrude Stein wrote, "Writing is writing is writing is writing is writing is writing is writing." (He also wrote, "The Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose"). It does not mean what he said is that the writing is so matter of writing, from beginning to end. That writing is writing. Just write. How to start writing? Writing. How to be able to continue to write? Yes, keep writing.
Unfortunately, many of us who think it's not as simple as it seems. We have trouble going to start writing, we are troubled to be able to continue to write, and often times we give up so easily, enthusiasm and tenacity we gradually disappear, like a river that dries up.
However, because the writing is in the heart, soul, and our DNA, after a few weeks or months or even years, we re excited to write. Even more vigorous than ever, and by then, we can maintain the spirit of writing it.
Maybe we like it or maybe not. From my experience as a teacher, many people who often can not maintain his spirits. For some, the cycle of the spirit to write like the above occur repeatedly. Because we are not consistent, we begin to judge ourselves as people who have no talent to write, we take pride thrown together sheets of paper that we throw into the trash, and then we can begin the more difficult to write. It makes the heart sick. Because we are writers, and when we do not complete - when there are parts missing in ourselves - we can never feel comfortable in the world, there is no peace within himself. Writing is our life. It was not my whole life, but it is enough to make us feel incomplete when not writing.
You will never be a writer (and continues to write) until you call yourself a writer.
Most writers I know, especially those not published his work, saying, "I want to be a writer." Or, "I was ... I love to write." Or, "I've always wanted to be a writer." However, they do not refer to themselves as writers. Think of other words to describe yourself: man / woman, mother / father, wife / husband, friends, teachers, technicians, masseuse, a lawyer, a gardener, a cook. We use these words to introduce ourselves, either to others or to ourselves. What do you call us to ourselves, that's us. In some cultures, the new name given when someone is changing. The new name suggests that this man has changed. If you call yourself a writer, not just saying you want to be like what you going to change. Try it. Now. Shout your name loudly and followed the words, "I am a writer." Allow yourself to experience the sensations you feel when you do it. "But no one has published my writing," you might say that, as if that's what gives you the right to call yourself a writer. After all, when you tell others that you are a writer, surely they will ask, "Oh, writing what ever you published?"
Listen, the published writings have nothing to do with being a writer! Publications related to making money as a writer. Perhaps also with public recognition and kemashyuran. While it is true, most published writers do not get too much money or fame. We might say, is published is published published. In fact, published is the goal most of us. However, that is no reason for us to write. We write because that's what we should do. Anne Sexton said, "When I write, I'm doing things I should do."
Moreover, once we published writings, not that it makes us stop writing. We will continue to write. That's what writers do. I have a vision like that when I write, I write and keep writing. Like the old joke says, "The old writer never die, they continue to improve the final part of his writing."
How can you claim yourself as a writer?
First, saying, "I am a writer." Say it out loud. Say to yourself in the mirror. Tell your family and friends. Tell the people you meet at a party who asks, "What do you do?" Tell a stranger while you wait in line at the grocery store. Tell your mother. Tell most often to yourself, "I am a writer."
Choose one place to write, a sacred place where you feel comfortable, rather than feeling burdened. If you do not already have a space like that, then create it. Use a room full or part of the room as a place of your writing. Before creating the space he wrote, my friend Wendy uses baffles to separate the living room where he writes. When you're in your own room to write, send and candles or lights, or flowers, anything that can make your room unique. Make it as comfortable as possible.
Take the tools you need. Appreciate your writing with a paper or do you prefer. Buy high quality pens that you've always dreamed dream. Buy a computer that is only for your own good and the printing machine. Prepare a dictionary, thesaurus dictionary, and books EYD quality. Find quality books and journals to write subscribe.
Mingling with other writers. Interact with them. Surati an author whose book you admire (not as a fan, but as a fellow writer). Follow seminars and workshops. Join a writing group.
Reading as a writer. Learn from the best. Learn your favorite writer, and copy some of his writings to be able to feel the rhythm and style of writing. Divide sentences, paragraphs, and chapters in writing to discover secret techniques and writing. In addition to writing, reading good writing will become your best teacher.
Set Time for Writing
The second thing you need to do to become a writer who writes is to make time to write. You will never write if you do not make time to write. Never say, "I will soon write." You would never write that way. During the 25 years before this writing, I'm the one who always say like that, and therefore I could never start writing. That does not happen again after I set the time to write on a regular basis so I can be an author who writes.
Set the time to write, write on your calendar: Monday 14:00; Tuesday, 15/09, Wednesday ...; and so on.
Find a time that suits you. Do not set the time to write for two hours if you just settle for half an hour. Do not set the alarm at 5:30 in the morning if you're really hard to get up early and do not like in the morning. Similarly, do not tell me you'll write at night after all the work you are wrong if at the time you usually lie on the couch and can not yawn. Find a time that support. Take a half-time from your lunch hour. Write directly after work. Get up a half hour early. If you have the freedom to manage your time, set the time to write during work hours.
Students in my class said that they did not have time to write. And then I asked them who regularly watch TV and play the Internet to raise their hands. Many raised their hands. I asked again, "Then who do not have time to write?" All respond with a grimace. Write instead of watching TV, playing internet, read newspapers, play with friends. You have to sacrifice some of your time to write.
Note: Do not sacrifice the time to stroll and watch the sun sets.
You may have heard that if you want to be author, you must write every day.
It's not set in stone. But there are some rules that must be done to be a writer. To be a writer (ie writer who writes), you must write several times a week - at least four or five times, much better if every day. Writing will be easier to write regularly. You will be better when you do something with frequently. Mic Jagger said, "You have to sing every day so that could be, yes ..., a great singer."
As with any exercise, dieting, or lectures, written exercises sometimes will be more easily done with the friend. Make an appointment with friends to write. If you and your friends can not write together in one place, each call or send us an e-mail and said, "I write today" or "I'll write at 20:30 o'clock tonight" or "How did the writing today?".
Do not wait for inspiration to come to your new writing. Futile. When you appear in front of your paper, inspiration will come to you. There is a saying, "Writing is 20 percent inspiration and 80 percent perspiration." After all, if writing is your daily exercise, you do not need inspiration to start writing.
Finally, the third step to becoming a writer who wrote the course of writing itself. Talking about writing is not writing. Thinking about writing is not writing. Dreaming or imagining it, not writing. Creating a framework, examine, and make notes nor write. All it likely is part of the writing and required to write, but wrote that it writes.
"You can not sit back and think," said David Long fiction writer, "you should sit down and write."
So every day, at a predetermined (or are not fixed in advance / spontaneous), sit at your desk (or at a cafe table or on the grass in the park), then write.
Do it every day and I guarantee you, you will continue to run out of writing paper, you will start and finish a lot of stories, essays, narrative nonfiction - whatever you want to write. Your imagination will go anywhere and craze. You will become an author who writes. (T / Dian)
Name of site:
Author: Judy Reeves
URL address:
Kamis, 20 November 2008

Then how do we human beings can be scared?
Indeed, when we see real evil spirits or human beings within it already exists within him feelings of fear and the shadows or images or images that have been from the beginning makes us afraid. then we are told by someone about the horrific events by us or society, the feelings that already exist or sensation is felt already connect with our initial estimates regarding the horrific images. So we're actually inside the soul there is a feeling of fear.
Scared? fear of what?
There are two things that humans do not know. First is the birth and the second is death. The first can be recognized through exploration with the passing of her past. The second one tends to vibrate in the soul's heart. This is what was captured by horror stories of human fear is fear of death.
The sensation is achieved through this concept is in pain, torment, and punishment of our actions are not good in the world. And the concept of pain is more pain than men are leaving humanity. Social properties, leaving his property.
Because of this fear and then comes the shadows and beginning concepts of spooky. And scared.
Through the concept of this fear, humans then divided into two such strong men and weak. Weak because humans can not overcome her fears, her soul would not be stable when to meet or come in contact with the concepts that have formed it. Constrained by legal actions based on this fear. His life is pessimistic, uncertain, hesitant, and masochists as well as childish, can not become adults.
The powerful are those who have overcome this fear. This shadow. His soul was not affected anymore. His soul is optimistic, mature, full of inner strength, her life has purpose.
So if you want to successfully follow the world ... the courage to overcome fear. Or at least manage it was the fear. Verily Allah and rosulnya've given sign it when they do battle in history. Actually true Muslim never afraid of death, because death is a means to face his god.
Then why I was so scared ... why am I so afraid?.
Welcome to Fear
Looked at his chest any fear
Her heart fluttered and closed to within a quiet mind
The shadow moves as if he's alive
He felt a real desire volatile
Waking dream thought
Does not exist
The past becomes a magic
The present became darker
And the future is the objective
Can we leave
'm Afraid that accompanies courage
And can we just ignored it
While it is the gift of fear
So welcome to fear
Together we fight calm
sesungguhnya aku ini adalah bodoh dan dihatiku ini ada suatu penyakit…..
Tidak adakah jalan keluar.
Karena bila aku keluar maka jalan sempit itu terus menghadangku
Tidak adakah jalan keluar.
Jika memang ada tolong tunjukkan aku jalan
Tolong beri aku jalan,
bersama dengan malam
bersama dengan rembulan
dan bintang-bintang
serta gelap
Tidak adakah jalan keluar.
Malam ini mereka memuji tuhan Allah sedang aku disini menghinanya
Mereka disana menyatu dengan tuhan Allah sedangkan aku berusaha menghindarinya.
Maka, tidak adakah jalan keluar.
Jika tuhan berkehendak pastilah ADA
Mirror story

Changing people saying to me
What a handsome me
Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night
A huddle of people looked at me and said
It is wonderful for our
Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night
Someone yelled at me
What a beautiful eyes
Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night
Wanted me to say
What you see is not ye
Staring at Night
Will we continue to run?,
Reaching dreams will come early.
Dark has changed,
Will the lantern that will be useful?,
When the light is invincible.
Silence is not there anymore,
Would we expect that there is calm,
When the noise has poisoned
Cold has made us sweat,
There's no way we hope cool
When he had been stabbed body.
Moon rises when the lights dimmed, We still keep dreaming
And keep waiting for enlighten
Rabu, 19 November 2008
Waiting for low ligh
Like the eye when losing sight
I have seen the light starts blinking
As discouraged when losing happiness
I have seen the light starts blinking
As the horizon of our world when it passed
I have seen the light starts blinking
Like love when it will fade
Then when the wind blew
I had seen that light has dimmed
Love and HUmanity
So the question arises in our hearts. "Will they not tired?" Of course! But with all their energy and thoughts continue to stimulate their zeal to keep walking. Maybe.And perhaps only 1% of 1 million people are able to survive in that condition and consequently, they become stiff. I said, "they were able to stiff with time." It was an extraordinary person.
And perhaps only 1% of 1 million people are able to survive in that condition and consequently, they become stiff. I said, "they were able to stiff with time." It was an extraordinary person. And if you know that donkeys are always falling on the same hole? Yes Do? That belief turns out not true. Yet that falls on the same hole that's just human ... you do not believe ... good! let us prove it.
First, let's go to the question, Have soybean falls on the same hole, if ever we certainly have pointed it at the same hole. Because they are able to feel the instinctual nature that have been experienced (experience that has gone through). If there are hole they automatically step aside, and this is natural. If there is a power or force that directs them toward the hole they fell surely.!!
Now the most strange is human, smart ass, but they are less alert. Cocky though the place is wrong. Human reason and intellect has made him bewildered to learn this instinctual .... So when there is intention to step aside from his mind, eh hole instead contradiction to the existing realities in front of his eyes, a decision well before they have fallen, and it happens repeatedly, whichever is stupid humans or animals.
Let's look at love. Real love is mutual fight for what they have gained or to be acquired include respect what is in his heart. But do not realize the beauty of love has made each of us fell into the world we can not control it. Maybe for people who have a strong emotional force .. he will be in out of the situation, but for people who are weak, they will increasingly fall headfirst.
The characteristics of these people are possessive, ga where one can distinguish between property rights and human rights. Secondly, this person childiest or childish, en-(desires, needs, etc.) take precedence over common interests, they will not be able to think rationally, they are more emotional thinking (according to my thinking is not just women who berfikiran emotional ... because of the emotional and It depends on the rational side of where the brain works (id or ego).
Actually there is a lot to talk about ... because man is complex ... because they are worse than cattle or soy because it was his brain. And just for today, looked love on humanity really is enjoying it with moving on without stopping because we will always be drawn by the sword in the back of our ...
Oleh: Ernanto Bayu Pamungkas
Writer is Unair's college student
Zodiac. Can become one configurational character reflection someone. On it, we hope luck for moon, Sunday, or today. About career and financially. Evenless in the event romance, couple,or in the event choose life couple would be convenient.
“Ah, what it is meant such a presage. One that trip our own cannikin life,”Tommy's hum each see last page one adolescent magazine.
“But, forecast that our personality reflection Tom. If I see,your deportment is set with written one at this magazine,” say Wendi,Tommy's viscous best friend.
“Have Wen, baffled or successful, well or its bad that man is seen from the way a posed and its effort. Are not of forecast.”
“Even believe. Its prove several times cause making love baffled it is not see you monthly guidance. amatory to Reni is refused, derived same Jeni it is not clear, trus not disconnect long time with Oil Lamp,huh! On and off believe with me.”
“Okay. This time how my fate?” ask Tommy ala is forced.
“Eh, as same as that yesterday. This moon you are forthcoming rejected with girl, there are many problem, and bankrupt,” easy answer Wendy.
“that is cannikin, what are i am every. Not available it is better,” Tommy's grumble, each presage is not based on on it.
“One that patient yes. Who knows your fortunate proximo,” say Wendy cogent. Last month, Wendy also says, “one that patient.”Sometimes, “You shall there are many pray and try.” That sentence make displeased Tommy and more acute again decides to incredulous on presage.
Since that instance, Tommy's gaze goes on to gawp. Inwardly wants not trust presage that read by Wendy that time.
“Fucking, Wendy is languid cause lives.”
“What is on Tom, monologue shuttlecock,” say Indra while walks with research road with Tommy. Although distance among their body is far from, word constanting to band they.
“Not what whats shuttlecock Miss. Not understands. Each road with you, my heart beat become not known,” answer Tommy after tug body because suddenly voice comes in in its consciousness.
“Ah, run of the mill. You must be there is problem. Even story, who knows I can help.”
Coincide with Indra's question, buzz orders Wendy in Tommy's marrow, “Remember, try fortune nonalignment on you. Evenless with Aquarius girl.” “Uh, you again,” say Tommy slow.
“Romance shuttlecock again Tom, there is promise with girl? Whew so troubles yes.”
“Not Miss shuttlecock, severely. Which there is girl which wants with me. Eh, you want not,” Tommy's plague. Fad, who knows its derived aspiration with Indra can materialize.
“Cook girl that talk before,”snare that assembling to result result. Whew, be clear it fresh wind for Tommy. Sprout at loves arriving
Tommy adds to be certain untrue's presage and zodiacal nature asthma breasts. “huh, will I prove on you Wendy. This moon is my best moon.”
“Eh Tom, I starve. Eating before at Ujang's booth,” ask out Indra while gets to hold its belly that continually issues sound. Tommy accepts. She also haven't given worm life in its belly.
“Jang, pecel lele with sambel's rice one,” scream Tommy.
“patient. Again a lot of person. Drink before. 10 minutes again,” Ujang shout to reply Tommy's clamor.
New Tommy aware. She fumbles its pants and shortly check its purse with stealth. Apparently he is bankrupt. “Groan, how this. Can tonight riot,” say Tommy at heart. She shortly draw near Ujang and under one's breath, “Jang, debt may be not.” Benefit Tommy is number subscription 1. If not, as sec as then its profession becomes saucer washer.
“Boss okay. I know. Reason it must date two cannikins?” shout Ujang.“Iya Jang, proximo I must pay,” reply Tommy.
Without right left see and prospective its girlfriend, it replies annoyance on alimentary one was dished By Ujang. Its face tingles, its body is full sweat and stoned Tommy couple winks to gaze sharp toward it.
“You there is problem Tom?” ask Indra attention.“nothing the matter. Run of the mill again. New know my eating trick,” answer Tommy.“He he he, its food have I pay. I who ask out to eat.”
Alamak! Tommy is confusion. “Want whereabouts been put this my face. Fucking. it knows also if I am bankrupt,” say Tommy at heart.
“Honestly only. I become not delicate,” ask Indra angered. Tommy enforced opens voice.
“You always descry lovely and noise about me all this time. Attention that you gives on me not maybe gave by others. I am carried away.” Tommy drawns out.“Was enough I bate to perceive it. I am your darling Ndra,” that utterance is well-nigh makes capacious Tommy. But she is still wait answer who must.
Momentary hush atmosphere. The girl is flinched and is at a loss want to answer what.
“Wendy is lovely,” finally Indra finds opener sentence, but with indented face.
“I take for she your girl. You really fervent. I become envy. Why are you not can so hover with me? I also want … But, now I not That Tom can. I … me … me was derived,” Indra's revealing is contrite.
Tommy is made thinks. “This puzzle have most answering. Apparently, are not zodiacal one become problem. Wendy is my love mischance. She over hovers. Accordingly, girls on blurry. Huh!”
A one month then
“Hey Tom, this moon you are being blest. Your star is be scintillates, successful romance, windfall, and a lot of activity,” say Wendy is ardour.“hmm, what are i am every. Just wait this moon, must you are successful.”
“There is available only. Have I tell don't believe presage thing. later forthcoming downs on narrow bones,”time new this Tommy's zodiacal presage well. Even not that presage result believe, its lip exists smile.
“Eh, want to know Indra's news?” Wendy ask to tempt.”Have. What do withdraw from she now?” "Obviously there is interesting. She is new downed same its boyfriend. downcast? If you amatorying to she this moon,” say Wendy cogent.
“Not my couple time, he he he.”
Wendy's that time sits down with Tommy. Leaning at its fervent shoulder. With soft nestle, Wendy utters utilised love word appease dejected Tommy heart because pine. “I love you Tom.” ***
Selasa, 30 Agt 2005